Unsheltered Homelessness Data
The numbers displayed below represent the most current data in the Rhode Island Continuum of Care (CoC) Homeless Management Information System, or HMIS. The HMIS is used to collect data related to demographic, program enrollment and service delivery for Rhode Islander's who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Please keep in mind that some program utilization rates have been impacted by COVID-19.
*Please note the data displayed is pulled in real time from our database and may take a few moments to load.
The number displayed above is a count of how many mainstream shelter beds are in use. This does not reflect shelter beds or transitional housing beds that have been set aside for survivors of domestic violence to preserve their privacy.
Although the map displayed here shows concentrations of people experiencing homelessness, the fact of the matter is people experience homelessness in nearly every city and town in RI. There are some locations for which we have limited data and many people migrate to regions located near services and transportation.
Having trouble viewing one of these dashboards or have a question about the data? Please submit a ticket to hmis@rihomeless.org.
To request new data please fill out this form.
If you are a member of the press and will be using this data, or have any questions, please reach out to Margaux Morisseau at margaux@rihomeless.org.